This disorder is characterized by the immune system attacking the thyroid gland, causing it to become inflamed. Common treatments are a lifetime of Levothyroxine, a drug suppressing the thyroid stimulating hormone (“TSH”).
Our clients have reported symptoms such as feeling fatigue, memory lapse, alopecia, panic attacks, sugar cravings, weight gain, dry mouth, irritability, and long recoveries from common illnesses.
A strong case involving this medical condition typically charts the following course:
- Referrals: Establish care with an endocrinologist. Your primary care physician can refer you to one.
- Symptoms: Tell that provider about how frequently you experience the symptoms of fatigue, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea every week. Keeping a calendar will help you do this.
- Compliance: Take your pain medications every day. Find a system to make this work for you. (If the SSA sees any signs of non-compliance in your medical records, then they will severely discount the severity of this condition.
Written By: Jacob Hugentobler, Hearing Attorney
Image Credit: The Impact of Thyroid Disease on the Digestive System, Cary Gastro, December 15, 2022. Available at:
Image Credit: Hashimoto’s Disease, Cleveland Clinic. Available at: