Hearing Loss
Social Security DisabilityUnfortunately, being unable to hear in one or both ears is usually not enough to win a disability case by itself. Many people work in non-industrial w ...
Unfortunately, being unable to hear in one or both ears is usually not enough to win a disability case by itself. Many people work in non-industrial w ...
This is easily the most common condition affecting the most clients we have ever represented. It usually occurs in the lower back (aka lumbar spine) a ...
Together with the lower back, the hips are the most vital weight-bearing joints in the abdominal area. The sacro-iliac joints connect the spine to the ...
Besides losing the function of one’s hands, losing vision can be one of the greatest impairments to completing basic work activities. If you cannot ...
All the weight transferred from your upper body, down through the pelvis and into the knees, eventually meets the ankle joints. The human foot is well ...
Diabetic neuropathy is not the only cause for losing functional abilities with the hands. A variety of auto-immune disorders (e.g. fibromyalgia, syste ...